Rhetorical Poison

The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figure of speech and other compositional techniques. This is the definition of Rhetoric. Unfortunately, with political comedy talk shows, and the "liberal media" the art of persuading seems to have changed to the art of dividing. John Oliver, Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert, are all part of the divide that America is feeling today. All these comedians like to point fingers at people such as Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity, but I ask that they make sure that their own hands are clean before they point fingers. I agree that these conservative hosts have a negative impact with their harsh words and ideas, but the left needs to understand that ridiculing conservatives only makes us more divided. These leftist Talk Show hosts are highly educated yet they stoop down and crack jokes about people who support Donald Trump (keep in mind that half of the country voted for this guy). When they talk about Sean Spicer not knowing about the Holocaust and make endless jokes about it, it allows republicans to point out the left's biased. Yes, Sean Spicer is not the best speaker in the world and he DID make some questionable remarks about Hitler using chemical weapons, but we all know that he is aware of what happened during the Holocaust. Talk shows paid way to much attention to minor mishaps and mistakes by the Trump administration. They need to start attacking policy with cold hard facts, and forget about all those little things that get under the skin of republicans. They talk so much about Fake news, but they are only giving Republicans more reason to hate the media. No wonder conservatives go to O'Reilly and Limbaugh, its the only place they can go without having their opinions attacked. If they want to have tighter boarders they are called racists, if they support police man they are trigger happy rednecks that are against black lives matter, there doesn't seem to be anyone trying to understand the other side of the argument in any of these situations. We must all try to be more understanding of the other side no matter how different they from what we think is right.