Guest Speaker Olivia Easly

Olivia Easly is a a former Appstate student who has been successful in her life after college. It was very interesting to hear what she had to say because I am graduating in May. We asked her when she started applying for jobs and she said she did it in the October of her senior year and I haven't started until this semester. Another thing that she stressed is the importance of networking. She explained that it was very important to find a community and network so it is easier to get a job. If you have someone on the inside helping you out it is always a good thing. I took her advise and that same day I went to the mixer that was being held in the solarium and it actually went pretty well. I talked to a few professionals in the field and even received a few business cards with encouraging words. I thought spring foward was a very good idea and I am happy that i got the oppertunity to meet so many profesionals in the field.