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Guest Speakers Matthew Marco and Ceci Dadisman

Matthew Marco and Ceci Dadisman spoke to my internet communications class about internet engagement and also about website navigation. They both seemed to know a lot about internet communication and their input was very valuable. Mr. Marco inspired me to think of ways to make it easier for people to navigate my website, while Dadisman helped learn how to actually interact with people who come to my page. It is important to respond to comments in professional way so that I can grow credibility with my personal brand. If people don’t believe in what I say it is not very likely that they will come back. It’s the same with the navigation of my website, if it looks ugly, or if it is too difficult to navigate people will be fed up and will stop coming back. These two speakers made me realize how important it is to have an easy to use website and to respond to people who take time to comment on my content. I will take the lessons that I have learned and apply it to my website and future blogs. I am also excited about the prospects of Hootsuite to organize all my social media accounts and be able to use them in the most efficient way possible. I hope to continue to learn about way in which I can promote my website and keep people interested in what I write about in my weekly blogs.

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