Political Trumpness

It seems as if there is a new era in American politics. Goodbye to being politically correct and welcome political trumpness. In this era anyone can say anything without any repercussions. Whether you agree with President Trump's policies or not, most people can agree that he does not try to censor himself in anyway. Following his lead, Robert Morrow, Travis Country republican chairman in Texas claims to be Donald Trump on steroids. John Oliver and The New York Times have both brought this republican into light. He tweets and says things in interviews that even Donald Trump would no t approve of. He is proud of being politically incorrect and has said some nasty things about Hillary Clinton, the Bush family, and has even talked about how well endowed he is. With all these politicians getting famous saying outrages things it almost seems as if they are being rewarded for acting childish. We are missing a sense of integrity with some politicians and it is important that people take politics more serious. These are the people who are in charge of creating policy that affect every single one of us. The only advantage to have these villan-like politicians is that it have made people much more politically involved. I have never seen so many protests in my life (Even though I am only 22) and I am proud of seeing people living to the fullest. People need to be involved in their government from the local level all the way to the national one in order to create the country that they really want to make great again. While I despise this new wave of politcal trumpness, it may be a necessary evil for everyone to finally get involved in speaking up for the changes they would like to see in the country.